Andreas Lössl - Publications
Home: Cytoplasm Genome Research Farzaneh M., Vierheilig H., LÖssl A., Kaul H.P. (2011)
Arbuscular mycorrhiza enhances nutrient uptake in chickpea. Plant Soil Environ., 57: 465-470 KHAOSAAD T, KRENN L, MEDJAKOVIC S, RANNER A, LÖSSL A., NELL M, JUNGBAUER A., VIERHEILIG H. (2008)
Effect of mycorrhization on the isoflavone content and the phytoestrogen activity of red clover. Journal of Plant Physiology 165: 1161-1167 MüHLBAUER, S.K., LÖSSL, A., TZEKOVA, L., ZOU, Z., and KOOP, H.U., (2002): Functional analysis of plastid DNA replication origins in tobacco by targeted inactivation. Plant J 32: 175–184 pdf: (1 MB) LÖSSL, A., GÖTZ, M., BRAUN, A. and WENZEL, G., (2000): Molecular markers for potato cytoplasm: male sterility and contribution of different plastid-mitochondrial configurations to starch production. Euphytica 116: 221-230 pdf: (88 kb): RASMUSSEN,
J.O., LÖSSL, A. and RASMUSSEN, O.S., (2000):
Analysis of the plastome and chondriome origin in plants regenerated
after asymmetric Solanum spp protoplast fusions.
Theor. Appl. Genet. 101: 336-343 pdf:
(64 kb): LÖSSL, A.,
ADLER, N., HORN, R., FREI, U. and WENZEL, G., (1999): Chondriome Type Characterization of Potato: Mt a, b, g, d, e and Novel Plastid-Mitochondrial Configurations.
Theor. Appl. Genet. 99: 1-10
pdf: (328 kb): FREI, U., STATTMANN, M., LÖSSL A. and WENZEL, G., (1998): Aspects of fusion combining ability of dihaploid S. tuberosumL.: influence of the cytoplasm. Potato Research 41: 155-162 pdf: 2.8 MB LÖSSL, A., (1996):
Analyse der DNA-Variabilität
in Zellorganellen somatischer Fusionshybriden der Kartoffel und deren
Auswirkungen. Dissertation, Technische Universität München,
3-931713-01-6 HORN, R.,
Development and molecular characterization of alloplasmic CMS in
H. annuus
L. Advances in Plant Breeding 18: 89-110 LÖSSL, A., FREI, U. and WENZEL, G., (1994): Interaction between cytoplasmic composition and yield parameters in somatic hybrids of S. tuberosum L. Theor. Appl. Genet. 89: 873-878 pdf: 2.6 MB: KÖHLER, R., HORN, R., LÖSSL, A.and ZETSCHE, K. (1991): Cytoplasmic male sterility in sunflower is correlated with the co-transcription of a new open reading frame with the atpA gene. Mol. Gen. Genet. 227: 369-376 pdf: 1.7 MB: KÖHLER,
R., LÖSSL, A. and ZETSCHE, K., (1990):
Nucleotide sequence of the F1-ATPase alpha subunit gene of sunflower
Nucl. Acids Res. 18: 4588 pdf: 0.7 MB: Posters and Presentations: Lössl A, Gottschamel J, Holtsmark I, Steen H, Haugslien S, Bock R and J Clarke (2012) Chloroplasts for the safe production of Dengue fever vaccine candidates Open Seminar on Plant Genetic Engineering for Food, Biofuel and Medicine Bioforsk Plantehelse, April 25-26th 2012, Ås, Norway Waheed MT, Lössl E, Thönes N, Müller M, Hassan SW, Gottschamel J, Lössl (2011) Chloroplast expression of a double-pentameric vaccine candidate containing human papillomavirus (HPV)-16 L1 antigen translationally fused with LTB. Plant-Based Vaccines & Antibodies, June 8th-10th 2011, Porto, Portugal Lössl A, Waheed MT, Hassan SW, NajafianRazavi M, Lössl E (2011) Molecular Farming: The Production of Vaccines in Plants. In: Essays on Agriculture and Environment, Eva Maleviti and Costas Stathopoulos Eds., ISBN: 978-960-6672-99-6, p.35-44, Athens, Greece Lössl AG, Waheed MT, Thönes N, Müller M, Hassan SW, Gottschamel J, Kaul HP, E. Lössl (2011): Aspects of Plastid-Derived Pharmaceuticals by an Example of Two Fused Pentamer-Forming Proteins: Human Papillomavirus (HPV-16) L1-Capsomeres and E. coli Heat-Labile Enterotoxin B (LTB). In: A. Touraev and J. Snape Eds., International Conference on Plant Transformation Technologies II, Feb. 19 - 22, 2011, Vienna, Austria Lössl A, Waheed MT, Thönes N, MÜller M, Hassan SW, Gottschamel J, Lössl E., Kaul H (2010). Expression of human papillomavirus l1 capsomeres in tobacco chloroplasts: a step towards cost-effective second-generation vaccines: A step toward cost effective second-generation vaccines. International Symposium on Chloroplast Genomics and Genetic Engineering, Oct. 15, 2010 Welwyn Garden City, UK Lössl A, Waheed MT, Hassan SW, Kaul HP (2010): Cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) Regu-lated by an Inducible Trans-activation System In: A. Touraev and J. Snape Eds., Green Plant Breeding Technologies, Vienna, Austria, Feb. 2-5, 2010, p.28 Lössl A, Mayer F, Hassan SW, Waheed TM, NajafianRazavi M, Lössl E (2009): Molecular Farming: The Production of Vaccines in Plants, 2nd Annual International Symposium on Agricultural Research, Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER), 28-31 August 2009, Greece (in press) Lössl A, Mayer F, Hassan SW, Waheed TM, Najafian Razavi M, Lössl E (2008): Production of vaccines in plants: Safety first! Italian Journal of Agronomy, 3 (3 suppl.), 421-422; ISSN 1125-4718 [10th Congress of the European Society for Agronomy, Bologna, 15.-19. Sep-tember 2008] Lössl E, Thönes N, Geiger E, Lössl A (2008): Development of tobacco plants for the affordable production of a cancer vaccine. In: Int. Society for Horticultural Sciences (Ed.), First Symposium on Horticulture in Europe, 68, 17-20 February 2008, Vienna, 68-68; ISSN 1996-9449 Lössl A (2007): Some aspects of plant nutrition in developing countries. In: Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry Brno (Eds.), Faculty of Agronomy, Plant nutrition and its prospects, 5.-6. September 2007, Brno, 60-62; ISBN: 978-80-7375-068-8 Lössl A, Thoenes N, Najafian Razavi M, Lössl E. (2007) Synthesis of a vaccine against cervical cancer in transplastomic tobacco lines: Comparison of approaches. International Symposium on Chloroplast Genomics and Genetic Engineering, December 7-9, 2007 Jilin Academy of Agric. Sci., Changchun, Jilin China Lössl E., Thönes, N., Geiger, E. and Andreas Lössl (2007) Risk Reduction of Antigen Expression: The Human Papilloma Virus L1 antigen, precisely located in the plastome for synthesis of a cancer vaccine. 2nd International Conference on Plant-Based Vaccines & Antibodies, Plant Expression Systems for Recombinant Pharmacologics, 18-20 June 2007, University of Verona, Italy Lössl A., Bohmert K., Harloff, H. and HU Koop (2006) An inducible expression system for transgenic plastids: Polyester synthesis upon Ethanol application. 8th International Congress on Plant Molecular Biology, ISPMB 19.-24.08.2006, Adelaide, Australia. Lössl, A. Harloff, H and Koop HU (2006) Secure Production of Polyesters in Tobacco Plants after Spraying of Ethanol. Tropical Crop Biotechnology Conference, Cairns 14.-19.08.2006, Australia Lössl, A., K. Bohmert, H. Hartloff, C. Eibl, H. Koop (2005): Ethanol-inducible transcription of the Ralstonia eutropha phb operon in transplastomic tobacco and formation of polyhydroxybutyric acid (PHB). In: Vienna Medical Academy: XVII International Botanical Congress, 17-23 July 2005, Vienna, Austria, 79. Lössl, A., K. Bohmert, H.-P. Kaul, H. Harloff, H.-U. Koop (2004): Regulated PHB synthesis through an ethanol inducible T7 RNA polymerase targeted to transplastomic chloroplasts in tobacco. In: EMPA: European Symposium on Biopolymers ESBPO4, Tailored biopolyesters and their application in industry and medicine, 13.-14. Mai 2004, St. Gallen, Switzerland Lössl, E., H.-U. Koop, A. Lössl (2004): Risk-reduction of transgene expression: Chemically inducible mycobacterial antigens, precisely located in the plastome for synthesis of tuberculosis vaccines. In: Fondation Merieux: International Symposium on: Plant derived vaccines and antibodies: Potential and limitations, 21.-24. 03.2004, Veyrier du Lac, France. Lössl, A. (2004): Biotechnologien in der Pflanzenzüchtung. In: ZAT: V. Symposium Ukraine-Austria, Agriculture: Science and practice, 9.-11. September 2004, Kyiv, Ukraine. LÖSSL, A., EIBL, C., DOVZHENKO, A.,
and KOOP, H.U., (2000): Production of Polyhydroxybutyric Acid (PHB)
Using Chloroplast Transformation. The 8th International Symposium on
Biological Polyesters (ISBP 2000), Sept. 11-15, 2000 Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Cambridge, MA USA LÖSSL, A., BRAUN, A., FREI, U. and WENZEL,
G., (1998):
Cytoplasmic Genome Configurations and Field Performance in Somatic
Hybrids of Potato, International Symposium, Breeding Research on Potatoes,
Rostock, June 23-26.´98, p. 123-127 LÖSSL, A., FREI, U. und WENZEL, G., (1998):
und deren Auswirkungen auf somatische Hybriden, Arbeitstagung 1997 der
“Vereinigung österreichischer Pflanzenzüchter“ in Gumpenstein
S. 115-117. LÖSSL A, BRAUN A, FREI, U. und WENZEL, G.,
Cytoplasma-Typen der Kartoffel: Nutzung neuer Konfigurationen.Vortr.
42: 152-154 LÖSSL, A., HORN, R., FREI, U. und WENZEL, G.,
Organellen-Kompatibilität und Stärkeertrag bei somatischen
der Kartoffel. Vortr. Pflanzenzüchtung 41: 89-94 WENZEL, G. GRANER, A., FOROUGHI-WEHR, B., HATZ,
A., and JAHOOR, A., (1997): Plant breeding for resistances using
Biotechnology for Crop Protection. Richter, J., Huber, J. Schuler, B
DSE-Reports 67-75. LÖSSL, A., FREI, U. und WENZEL, G., (1996):
mitochondrialer Genom-Konfigurationen auf die Leistungsfähigkeit
Hybriden der Kartoffel. Vortr. Pflanzenzüchtung 32: 151-153 LÖSSL, A., FREI, U. and WENZEL, G., (1996):
structures of the best fitting cytoplasms for somatic hybrids of
13th Triennial Conference of the European Association for Potato
S. 395-396, Veldhoven, The Netherlands, 14.-19. July 1996, ISBN
90-6754-452-3 LÖSSL, A., FREI, U. and WENZEL, G., (1995):
Genetik: Einfluß der Plasmonstruktur auf Ertragskomponenten
von Kartoffelhybriden. Vortr. Pflanzenzüchtung 31: 64-68 LÖSSL, A., FREI, U. and WENZEL, G., (1994):
interaction in somatic hybrids. Eucarpia report 1994, Potato Research
341-342 LÖSSL, A., FREI, U. und WENZEL, G., (1994):
Analyse von Kern- und Organellengenom somatischer Hybriden von S.
tuberosum. Vortr. Pflanzenzüchtung 28: 47-48 WENZEL, G., FREI, U. and LÖSSL, A., (1993):
evaluation of somatic S. tuberosum hybrids. 12e Conférence
de l'Association Européenne pour la Recherche sur la Pomme de
18-23 Julliet 1993 |